Our Story

Boy Meets Girl
(how we met)

Her Version:  It was after Seven, our young adult service at church on Tuesdays, that I was having a conversation in the back of the room.  In the middle of this DEEP convo I was having about my life's goings-ons I was wonderfully interrupted by this very outgoing fellow with a crazy hair and .  He persisted to make small talk with my friend (whom he happened to know well) and slyly included me in on the now-turned "group" conversation. I recognized him as one of the drummers at church, but I knew little about him beyond that.  My first impression was that he was witty, funny, outgoing and I thought "He seems like a fun guy!" He prompted me to "find him on facebook" after he introduced himself and left the building.  Of course, being fairly new to the Seven "scene" I was already in the good habit of connecting with new acquaintances on facebook as soon as I would return home, so naturally I did the same with this Josh Alltop guy :) Almost immediately there were facebook convos exchanged between us, and we exchanged numbers and were scheduled to meet for lunch the following day.  Crazy what can happy in a 24hr timespan! The next day at lunch we hit it off. We got along famously and ended up hanging out all day, and several consecutive days following. He was charming, confident, and impressive in EVERY way! It didn't take long before we were dating, and not long after that that I realized he was everything I had ever wanted and hoped for in a man, and MORE!  I knew in my heart we were a great team, wonderful with eachother and wonderful FOR eachother! I could only think how wonderful it would be to spend the rest of my time on this earth with him, my best friend! The rest, as they say, is history!

His version to come soon!